23 October 2011

What is that "gut feeling" and should we really listen to it?

I am so inspired by Jordan Rubin, author of the "Maker's Diet". Below is a fascinating excerpt from his book. The excerpt is only a snippet of all the crazy connections between the gut and the brain. I encourage anyone and everyone to buy the maker's diet...it's life changing! 

"People are taught from childhood to believe that the brain is essentially the "boss" of the body. While it is true that the brain is the centerpiece of our mental capacity and nervous system, it is also a fact that there are nearly one hundred million nerve cells in the gut alone-about the same number found in the spinal cord!
Fully one-half of your nerve cells are located in the gut, so your capacity for feeling and for emotional expression depends primarily on the gut (and only to a lesser extent on your brain). By the time you add together the number of nerve cells in the esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines, there are more nerve cells in the overall digestive system than there are in the peripheral nervous system.
Most people would say the brain determines whether you are happy or sad, but they have their facts skewed. It seems the gut is more responsible than we ever imagined for mental well-being and how we feel.
You Have Two Brains
Award-winning science writer Sandra Blakeslee specializes in "cognitive neuroscience:" She captured the link between our gut and brain perfectly in this quote from one of her numerous New York Times articles:
Have you ever wondered why people get butterflies in their stomach before going on stage? Or why an impending job interview can cause an attack of intestinal cramps? And why do antidepressants targeted for the brain cause nausea or abdominal upset in millions of people who take such drugs? The reason for these common experiences is because each of us literally has two brains - the familiar one encased in our skulls and a lesser-known but vitally important one found in the human gut. Like Siamese twins, the two brains are interconnected; when one gets upset, the other does, too.3
This "second brain" in the gut is called the "enteric nervous system" (ENS). This "intestinal nervous system" consists of neurons, neurotransmitters, and messenger proteins embedded in the layers or coverings of tissue that line the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon. (The word enteric is a Greek term for "intestine:")
The enteric nervous system possesses a complex neural circuitry, and this "second brain" in your gut can act independently from the first brain in your body. Literally, it learns from experiences, remembers past actions and events, and produces an entire range of "gut feelings" that can influence your actions.
Do you remember the gut sensation of what we call "butterflies in your stomach?" Has anyone ever advised you to "follow your gut instinct?" We regularly hear people say their stomach indigestion caused nightmares, and patients often tell their doctors that the antidepressants they take for mood swing also improved their gastrointestinal symptoms. Now you know why."

25 September 2011

Nuts & Seeds

If you are as addicted to nuts and seeds as I am, make sure you buy raw, certified organic nuts and seeds. Also it is best to soak and dehydrate your nuts and seeds to reduce the content of phytic acid. Please find below a reputable source to find quality nuts:Wilderness Family Farms

10 May 2011

The Oh-So Controversial Soy Debate...

When it comes to soy, it's hard to know what to believe because there are so many competing theories and research about it. After studying it for a while here is what I have learned...

Ancient Chinese people originally cultivated soybeans for its nitrogen-fixing qualities and surprisingly not as a food source. This was because soybeans contain potent enzyme inhibitors that cause intestinal problems, cancer and growth retardation.  Soy is also high in phytic acid which blocks the absorption of essential minerals, such as iron calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Not until the Chou Dynasty (1134-246 BC) did the soybean become denoted as  the fifth sacred grain. This is only because the Chinese had learned how to ferment soy beans in order to make them edible. Fermentation of cooked beans to make soy sauce, miso, natto, and tempeh remove the enzyme inhibitors, as well as the phytates. Miso is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and has a complete protein profile because it is made with grains as well as the soy beans. Be careful of tofu and bean curd though because the process of precipitation used removes only a portion of enzyme inhibitors and small amount of phytates. If you feel you must eat tofu, follow the Japanese who only eat small amounts of tofu in fish broth.

The real value of the soybean is that it can be made into soy sauce, the salty elixir that give Oriental food its unique flavor. Traditional soy sauce is made by a fermentation process that takes six to eight months to complete!! This very long process ensures the a mix of phenolic compounds are created. This includes a natural form of glutamic acid. Today, a modern bioreactor method is used to produce a soy sauce by rapid hydrolysis, rather than by complete fermentation. This normally takes only two days and uses the enzyme glutamase as a reactor. This causes the final product to be loaded with unnatural glutamic acid which is a component of MSG! Make sure your soy sauce is "Naturally Brewed". You can also use Tamari which is a soy sauce made without wheat (if you are sensitive to wheat/gluten).

 So, to break it down, unfermented soy products contain antinutrients such as phytates, potent enzyme inhibitors, and trypsin inhibitors. Phytoestrogens, such as genistein, diadzen, and isoflavones (although promoted as a cure-all for heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis) are potent endocrine disrupters, as well as goitrogens (substances that depress thyroid function.) A depressed thyroid can lead to many thyroid ailments such as cancer or hypothyroidism. Phytoestrogens are also a potential cause of infertility and breast cancer. Soymilk has a very high phytate content and in my opinion, should not be consumed. Enzyme and Trypsin inhibitors can lead to protein assimilation problems as well as cause pancreatic disorders and stunted growth.  Soy protein isolates (found in many protein powders and bars) are high in mineral-blocking phytates, thyroid-depressing phytoestrogens and potent enzyme inhibitors that depress growth and cause cancer. Furthermore, processing of soy protein isolates can denature and damage fragile proteins due to high temperatures. This can also result in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Many vegetarians use soy to replace their source of animal protein. Some claims have even been made that Vitamin B12 ( a vitamin only obtained from animal sources) can be obtained from soy. However, this is only a myth! Vitamin B12 analogs may be found in soy (as well as blue algae) but, they are not absorbed by the body. In fact, modern soy products increase the body's need for Vitamin B12. Soy foods have also been shown to increase the body's requirement for Vitamin D. 
The scary thought is that soy is used in everything! So much more than you would imagine! And I haven't even mentioned that 95% of soy these days are Genetically Modified Organisms which can lead to deleterious effects on the body itself. (But that is another topic for another day). 
I know this is a lot of information, but I hope it is helpful in making your decisions on consuming soy! If you would like to further research the topic, I would recommend checking out the website: http://www.westonaprice.org/soy-alert 
This site actually has many fascinating articles about soy and a few research studies that have found adverse effects of soy.

*Sources: "Nourishing Traditions"

04 May 2011

Protection from Radiation

In lieu of recent events going on in Japan, I felt it necessary to share natural ways you can protect yourself from possible nuclear radiation exposure. 
Iodine will help prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine. Foods that are high in naturally occurring in Iodine:
Sea Vegetables including kelp, dulse, nori, wakame, sea lettuce, hijiki, arame, etc.  Blue green algae including chlorella, E3 Live, and spirulina.
Chlorohyll will help stabilize an alkaline PH and cleanse the blood. It also can act as a potent detoxifier. Foods high in Chlorohyll:
This would include all of the dark green leafy vegetables, herbs, and grasses. Increase your consumption of green smoothies and soups with plenty of kale, collards and chard. Load up on cilantro, basil, parsley, rosemary, mint, etc. Blue green algae also falls under this category, chlorella being especially high. 
Unprocessed Raw Sea Salts 
Make sure you use high quality mineral salts such as himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt and Bali sea salt. Upping your intake of highly charged mineral salts will help fortify the glands and enable the body better cope with radioactive exposure.  A highly mineralized bloodstream will make it harder for radioactive minerals to absorb into the body and do harm. 
A vital antioxidant, selenium acts with Vitamin E to protect the immune system and maintain healthy heart function. Among it's many benefits, it has been shown to protect against radiation and toxic minerals. Brazil nuts and seafood are great sources. 
Sulphur and MSM-
Sulphur helps protect the body from infection and blocks the harmful effects of radiation and pollution, as well as slows down the aging process. Sulphur is found in onions, garlic, chives, cruciferous vegetables, eggs, milk, and animal products. 
MSM, a naturally occurring form of sulphur, makes the cells better able to detoxify harmful substances. If we are exposed to something toxic we want our bodies to be able to flush it out as soon as possible. MSM also helps build strong collagen and healthy skin tissue. It can also be found in high amounts in fresh aloe vera.
Epsom Salt and Baking Soda Baths
You can also take baths with epson salts and baking soda to help bind with the uranium in the body and bring out the toxic radiation. Heat the bath to as hot as you can and incorporate 1 cup epsom salts and 2 cups baking soda. Soak for at least 30 minutes. 1 hour (or until the water cools) is ideal.  

30 April 2011

Crazy for Coconuts!

For the past 6 months I have been literally OBSESSED with coconut! Coconut oil, whole creamed coconut, coconut flour, coconut lotion, coconut shampoo; pretty much anything coconut I am a fan of! Not only is this amazing tropical nut tasty, but it is loaded with essential nutrients and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, iodine. The coconut is relatively low in protein compared to other nuts, and the majority of the coconut is saturated fat! But don't let this scare you away! The principle fatty-acid in coconut is lauric acid; it is a medium-chain 12-carbon saturated fatty acid that has potent antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. Fascinatingly enough, coconut oil is now being used to treat both AIDS and Candida because of its antipathogenic effects in the gut. Coconut promotes healthy digestion and healthy functioning of the thyroid, boosting your metabolism which may promote weight loss. Coconut also strengthens the immune system and perhaps lowers the risk for cancer! It sounds like a super food to me!

Make sure the coconut oil you buy is USDA Organic, Expeller-Pressed, and Non-GMO. Also, I have listed all of the internal health benefits of coconut oil, but don't forget that coconut oil is a beauty wonder as well. You can use it as a lotion for rough dry skin or even to moisten your lips!

Two more things:
1. I just discovered the most amazing coconut product called Coconut Manna by Nutiva! You can grab it at Henry's or Jimbos and probably other health food stores! One taste and you will be as hooked as I am!
2. Coconut flour. Perfect for making pancakes, muffins, breads, cookies...My sister and I made chocolate chip cookies using coconut flour and it was the most amazing gluten-free chocolate chip cookie ever!! I will try to post the recipe soon!
